
FAQ Manager and Manual Maker in same Online Support Package

We have a very elegant and sofisticated Online support package, with an easy-to-use admin area. You can choose to only use us for your knowledge Base, or only for a Manual documentation site. You can create unlimited number of articles and manuals and display them in a very beautiful way on either our subdomain or your own domain. It will be hosted and updated by us.

100% in cloud

No software to install or keep updated. We do it all for you and also helps you customize it perfectly.

Customize Menu

You can change the menu, logo and your domain if you want to make it more customized.

Fast setup

You get instant activation on order and you can create content from the first moment on.

Automatic chapters

Based on parent article, you can create sub-chapters in the manual like a professional.

Documentation Tool

Use it as a documentation of rules- or even a contract-page with step-by-step rules . Not just a manual.

Inline Editor

In order to work fast, we have a Quick Edit feature that lets you edit the content directly on the webpage.

Powerfull KB search

Search through the entire knowledgebase in seconds using freetext, directly from the start-portal.

Unlimited sub-categories

Have as many knowledgebase-sub-folders as you want and attach the articles to any of them.

Featured Knowledge

Choose as many features knowledgebase articles as you want and they appear on the frontpage.

Hosting in Norway

Hosting is included in every package, on really fast servers that will always be online - just point dns to us.

Simple Simple Simple

Your support department will thank you. It will far easier for staff and customer to be updated.

Free Trial

Try our software for free in 2 weeks and let us know what you think. No credit card required.

Order FREE trial

Order your knowledge base software now and get instant access.